Elevate Third Eye Awareness & Intuitive Clarity

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea)

Flower of Ascension

Revered as the flower of ascension, Blue Lotus holds a potent history of use in ceremonial practices dating back to Ancient Egypt. For thousands of years, this medicinal herb was used by the ancient Egyptians in sacred practices to reach higher states of consciousness and connect to the divine. Symbolizing rebirth, Blue Lotus was thought to help transmute fear while illuminating a path of divine connection and soul growth.

Adorned by the gods and goddesses, depictions of Blue Lotus can be seen embossed on pillars, thrones, stone alters, papyrus scrolls, and on the ceremonial headdresses of pharaohs. In many carvings, you will see the flower draped over vases. This is indicative of the alchemical process, the Egyptians used to create powerful, mind-altering potions used in transformative religious ceremonies.

While widely recognized for its ceremonial influence, Blue Lotus was also used to make cosmetics, perfumes; imbibed as a tea or elixir; and simply inhaled for its relaxing, and intoxicating fragrance. The alluring aroma enhances energetic function (primarily third eye awareness), while inviting a relaxed and heightened sense of intuitive clarity.

To this day the Blue Lotus flower is regarded for its mystical persona and offers a transmission of encoded ancient wisdom.

Empower your unique expression of sacred soul codes

Portal Drops Blue Lotus Facial Oil
Organic Blue Lotus Whole Dried Flowers
Ascension Blue Lotus Ceremony Spray
  • Meditation Aid

    The captivating aroma of Blue Lotus stimulates third eye awareness while inviting a relaxed and heightened sense of intuitive clarity, making it the perfect companion for any mindfulness practice.

  • Aphrodisiac

    According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, the blue lotus flower had powerful aphrodisiac effects on the body. The flower contains alkaloids that act as a natural tonic for the nervous system, encouraging feelings of euphoria and relaxation. Blue Lotus was often used in ceremony to enhance feelings of intimacy and desire, and it was said to increase sexual energy and pleasure.

  • Lucid Dreaming

    An intriguing quality of the Blue Lotus flower is its ability to stimulate lucid dreaming, a state where the dreamer is conscious and aware that they are in a dream. The blue lotus flower is said to enhance both the vividness and the control over dream imagery, allowing individuals to engage in intentional dream exploration.

Restore, Balance & Hydrate Skin

“Gold in a Bottle” Portal Drops is a must-have sacred radiance elixir.