Sound Healing


Body Temple

Upcoming events.

Join an upcoming event and together we’ll create space for deeper listening, honor the multidimensional facets of our being, and cultivate meaningful connection.

Meet Jessie

Jessie is a Healing Arts Practitioner who is deeply devoted to the transformative qualities of breath, sound, and presence.

She brings deep compassion and intuitive clarity to her work and invites others into a space of deep listening and gentle transformation. With seven years of honing her craft of restorative sound frequencies and Visionary Breathwork facilitation, she is intently focused on providing a nourishing space for the well-being, illumination, and expansion of humanity.

Through the creation and involvement of consciously curated experiences, Jessie has had the opportunity to lead workshops throughout the United States and Ubud, Bali. Her commitment to support others on their path has guided her to many opportunities, from working with weekly support groups to large purpose-driven organizations- such as Recovery Elevator, MORE Adventures, and more- to ongoing learning from a variety of spiritual teachings.

With a curious mind and devoted heart, Jessie is dedicated to cultivating a supportive environment to encourage greater self-exploration, awareness, expansion, and embodied sovereignty.

“Jessie brings an intuition, compassion, and naturalness to her breathwork that no training can teach.” -Kristopher D.